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The rock&wall

Climbing tracking app with various grade systems, connection with gyms in different regions, and difficulty levels

The client needed a fitness tracker for climbers so they can monitor their activities and grade achievements. The app should contain a lot of different grade systems for climbers in each region so climbers can select the gym, grade, and difficulty for tracking their climbs.


Our business analyst analyzed the existing systems for assessing sports ranks in mountaineering and, based on the experience and suggestions of the client, developed a system for tracking and evaluating training in the application, as well as a convenient way to see all the current progress and history of previous training sessions. As a result, the application contains all existing systems for assessing the complexity of training. In addition, all results are publicly available in the general user rating. In subsequent versions, the selection of a specific gym for training was also added, for which the team parsed all the found gym sites on the Internet, brought them to a single standard and uploaded the application to the database (but even if the user did not find the necessary gym, he can add it manually). The addition of halls also made it possible to track the records of a particular site in the rating of users, which added additional interest in using the application. The team is now working on a new version that will allow the athlete to determine what type of activity the athlete is performing now, when he started climbing and when he fell off or reached the end point (using the accelerometer and gyroscope) to stop training and save the result.

Technologies and tools

#Android Sensor #Realm #Animator #Kotlin #Foreground Services #Dagger #RX #Retrofit #MoxyMVP #Crashlytics #Push-notifications #Data parsing #Accelerometer #Gyroscope

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